Chapter 4 Configuring Web Servers and Web sites
Changing Dynamo configuration settings
The Dynamo configuration settings govern some
aspects of Dynamo server behavior.
To change the settings for your Dynamo server:
- In the left pane of Sybase Central,
open the Utilities folder.
- In the right pane of Sybase Central,
open the Configuration folder.
- Open one of these folders:
- Default CGI Settings
- Maximum number of CGI clients Sets the maximum number of CGI clients that
are allowed to connect at one time.
- Default General Settings
- Default ISAPI Settings The default settings for ISAPI Web servers.
- ISAPI filter directory alias Location of the ISAPI filter.
- Maximum number of pending requests Maximum number of URL requests that can be
maintained in the queue for future processing.
- Maximum number of worker threads Maximum number of worker threads in the pool.
Each worker thread can process one task URL request at a time. Once
a task has been completed by a worker thread it is released. If
there are other tasks waiting to be processed by a worker thread
the next is selected for processing.
- Default Jaguar Settings The default settings for working with EAServer.
Settings that you specify here apply to Jaguar Managers that have
not been specifically set up in the Manager Settings folder.
- Orb Class The ORB class that represents the Java object.
- Proxy Host Specifies the machine name or the IP address
of an SSL proxy
- Proxy Port Specifies the port number of the SSL proxy.
- Retry Count The number of times that connecting to the
server should be attempted.
- Retry Delay The number of milliseconds to wait between attempts
to connect to the server.
- Manager Settings The configuration settings for specific Jaguar Managers.
Each setting allows you to set the same properties as are found
in the Default Jaguar settings. If for some reason you cannot make
a connection with the settings from here, the defaults specified in
the Default Jaguar Settings folder are used. For more information, see
the EAServer documentation.
- Default PWS Settings The default settings for the PowerDynamo Personal
Web Server.
To modify any of these entries, double-click
on the entry, make the appropriate changes and click OK to save.
You must restart the server for changes made
to the Configuration folder to take effect.
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