Chapter 8 Working with XML Documents

Working with attributes

You can access the attributes of an element using:

Using the DOMNode object to work with attributes

The following example writes out the names and values of the attributes of an element.

function displayAttributes( node ){               //1
  var i;                                          //2
  var attnode;                                    //3
  if( node.nodeType == 1){                        //4
    for( j=0; j < node.attributes.length; j++){   //5
      attnode = node.attributes.item(j)           //6
      document.writeln( attnode.nodeName );       //7
      document.writeln( attnode.firstChild.nodeValue  );

If the supplied element has a start tag of this form:

<Region Type="Province">

Then the output is:


In this example, the attribute node has a child that is a text object. The nodeValue of this text object can also be used to retrieve the attribute value.

Attribute nodes

Using the DOMAttribute object to work with attributes

The DOMAttribute object corresponds to an attribute of an XML element. The DOMAttribute object inherits all the properties and methods from the DOMNode object. In addition, it supports some properties and methods specific to attributes.

You can access the attributes of an element in the following ways:

The DOMAttribute object also has methods and properties that you can use to alter XML documents. For more information, see "Using the DOM interface to create and edit XML documents".


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