Chapter 12 Calling EAServer Component Methods from PowerDynamo

Calling EAServer components from a PowerDynamo script

You can call EAServer components from within a PowerDynamo script by using:

The SQL tag, COMPONENT tag, connection.CreateQuery method, and the connection.CreateComponent method allow Dynamo to call EAServer components as though they were Methods As Stored Procedures (MASP). Each MASP invocation creates an instance of the component, invokes the method and then destroys the component instance.


EAServer client software
If you will be calling EAServer components from PowerDynamo, ensure that you have installed the client software (select Runtime), when installing EAServer.

For more information on MASP, see the EAServer Programmer's Guide.

The Dynamo SQL tag (MASP)


You can use the PowerDynamo SQL tag to make Methods As Stored Procedures (MASP) calls. You can use the normal SQL tag attributes when calling a MASP with the SQL tag. For a list of these attributes, see "The SQL tag" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.



    exec packageName.componentName.methodName [parameters]



The following example makes a MASP method call to the SVUEnrollment component, which resides in the SVU package. The method being called is getMajors . No parameters are being passed in.

    exec SVU.SVUEnrollment.getMajors

The SVUEnrollment component contains several methods, one of which is getMajors . These methods can all be called as MASP methods by the SQL tag. The only restriction on calling a MASP with the SQL tag is that the return must be a result set. If the component method contains inout or output parameters, the output of these parameters will not be available.

The MASP being called in the following example requires that parameters be passed in order for the method to execute. In this case, a first and last name are required as well as a phone number.

     exec Demo_Components.PhoneList.addPhoneList Tammy, Black, (519)873-2243

These examples assume that the connection for the script has been set to the EAServer.

The Dynamo COMPONENT tag


Using the Dynamo COMPONENT tag is similar to the way in which the SQL tag is used to call EAServer components except that the package, component, and method are clearly labeled. The attributes normally associated with the SQL tag can also be used with the COMPONENT tag. For a list of these attributes, see "The COMPONENT tag" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

Although you can use the COMPONENT tag for ActiveX and Java access, the instance of that component exists only until the end of the COMPONENT tag.


COMPONENT name for the returned value
The default name of the returned value when using the COMPONENT tag is COMPONENT, in the same way that the default name of the query object is SQL when using the SQL tag.


For SQL access (MASP):

<!--COMPONENT ACCESS_METHOD= SQL PKG=packagename COMPONENT_NAME=componentname METHOD=methodname 



For ActiveX access (no restriction on the return):

<!--COMPONENT ACCESS_METHOD= ACTIVEX PKG=packagename COMPONENT_NAME=componentname METHOD=methodname HOST=hostname



For Java access (no restriction on the return):

<!--COMPONENT ACCESS_METHOD= JAVA PKG=packagename COMPONENT_NAME=componentname METHOD=methodname MANAGER_URL=url USERID=id PASSWORD=password NARROW_INTERFACE=narrowinterface




Here is an example of a MASP being called from within a Dynamo script using the Dynamo COMPONENT tag. You can use the FORMATTING tags to move through the result set:


The connection.CreateQuery method (MASP)


The connection.CreateQuery method executes a MASP and returns a query object that you can use to move through the result set. This is a method of the DynaScript scripting language.



    queryObjectName = connection.CreateQuery( "exec packageName.ComponentName.methodName"  );



The following example uses the connection.CreateQuery method to call a EAServer MASP:

    queryObject = connection.CreateQuery( "exec SVU.SVUEnrollment.getMajors"  );
<!--FORMATTING NAME=queryObject-->

This example uses connection.CreateQuery to call a MASP that adds new users to a phone list:

connection.CreateQuery("exec Demo_Components.PhoneList.addPhoneList Nicole LaChance (519)873-2243");

For more information, see "CreateQuery method" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

The connection.CreateComponent method (MASP)


The connection.CreateComponent method executes a MASP and returns a component object. You can then call methods of the component object that will return a query object.



    componentObject = connection.CreateComponent( "packageName", "componentName" );

    componentObject.methodName (parameters);



This example uses the connection.CreateComponent method to create an instance of the SVUEnrollment EAServer component and to then call the getMajors method of that component:

    myJagComponent = connection.CreateComponent( "SVU", "SVUEnrollment" );
    queryObject = myJagComponent.getMajors();
<!--FORMATTING NAME=queryObject-->

The following example uses connection.CreateComponent to call a MASP that adds a new user to the phone list:

    myComp = connection.CreateComponent( "Demo_Components", "PhoneList" );
    myComp.addPhoneList ( "Zachary", "Graham", "(519)873-2763" );

For more information, see "CreateComponent method" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

The java.CreateComponent method


You can use the PowerDynamo java.CreateComponent method to create an instance of a Java object. Once you have created a Java object, you can call its methods in the same manner as a normal DynaScript object.



javaObj = java.CreateComponent( component_name [, manager_url, id, password, narrowing_component] )



The following example creates an instance of the SVU/SVUEnrollment component called comp . Once the object is created, its method getMajors is called and the Record Set is displayed:

    comp = java.CreateComponent( "SVU/SVUEnrollment" ); 
    RecordSet = comp.getMajors();
    query = java.CallStaticMethod( "com.sybase.CORBA.jdbc11.SQL", "getResultSet", RecordSet );
    received =;
    i = 0;
    while( received ) {
        metadata = query.getMetaData();
        document.writeln( "*****" );
        columns = metadata.getColumnCount();
        for( j = 1; j <= columns; j++ ) {
           value = query.getString( j );
           document.writeln( value );
        received =;

For more information, see "CreateComponent method" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

This example creates an instance of the SVU/SVUEnrollment component called comp from a machine called testMachine. Once the object is created, its method getMajors is called and the Record Set is displayed:

    comp = java.CreateComponent( "SVU/SVUEnrollment", "iiop://testMachine:9000", "guest", "" ); 
    RecordSet = comp.getMajors();
    query = java.CallStaticMethod( "com.sybase.CORBA.jdbc11.SQL", "getResultSet", RecordSet );
    received =;
    i = 0;
    while( received ) {
        metadata = query.getMetaData();
        document.writeln( "*****" );
        columns = metadata.getColumnCount();
        for( j = 1; j <= columns; j++ ) {
           value = query.getString( j );
           document.writeln( value );
        received =;

For information on tabular results see, "Working with tabular results".

GetHomeInterface method


Allows access to the EJBHome interface for a EAServer component.


java.GetHomeInterface(component_name [, provider_url, user_id, password] )

The parameters are:

Note   The Dynamo methods GetHomeInterface and GetUserTransaction enable access to EJB interfaces of EAServer components. To access EJB interfaces of EAServer components, Dynamo requires an EAServer client jar file, easclient.jar, from your EAServer installation. See the PowerDynamo installation instructions for your platform and ensure that this file is included in your JAGUARCLASSES (Solaris) or CLASSPATH (NT) variable.


Use java.GetHomeInterface to create an instance of the EJBHome interface for the component Test/Cart . Then use the Home interface to create an actual instance of Test/Cart . In this example, the JNDI name of the component is Cart.

carthomeObj = java.GetHomeInterface("Cart")    cartObj = carthomeObj.create("John", "7506");    cartObj.addItem(66)    cartObj.addItem(22)    cartObj.purchase()    carthomeObj.remove(...)

See also

The PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

GetUserTransaction method


Allows access to the EJB UserTransaction object.


java.GetUserTransaction(  [ <provider_url>, <user_id>, <password>] )

The parameters are:

Note   The Dynamo methods GetHomeInterface and GetUserTransaction enable access to EJB interfaces of EAServer components. To access EJB interfaces of EAServer components, Dynamo requires an EAServer client jar file, easclient.jar, from your EAServer installation. Refer to PowerDynamo installation instructions for your platform and ensure that this file is included in your JAGUARCLASSES (Solaris) or CLASSPATH (NT) variable.


The components that participate in the transaction managed with the UserTransaction object must be in the same server as the UserTransaction object, which cannot be assumed if an EAServer cluster is used to ensure that this requirement is met:

  1. Use the same name server to create the UserTransaction object that was used when creating the component instances. That is, supply the same provider_url to GetUserTransaction() and GetHomeInterface() , CreateComponent() . The initial-context values of the URLs can differ.
  2. Get the UserTransaction object and begin the transaction before creating any component instances.
  3. In addition, follow the same restrictions as other Java clients when using the UserTransaction object. Refer to the EAServer Programmer's Guide and EAServer Reference Manual for details.

The UserTransaction interface defines exceptions that are thrown when errors occur. For example, TransactionRolledbackException is thrown when commit() is called after setRollbackOnly() has already been called for a transaction.

As many of the methods in the UserTransaction interface for example, return void, begin() , commit() , rollback() , these exceptions are the only way to detect errors.

In DynaScript, exceptions are passed to the user through the site.GetErrorInfo() method. That is, the exception is converted to an error string. For example:

    errMsg = site.GetErrorInfo();
    if ((errMsg != null) && (errMsg != ""))
        /* the transaction was not committed */

The UserTransaction.getStatus() method returns an integer value indicating the status of the current transaction. Dynamo users can include the script ~/system/utils/usertran.ssc to get the definitions of variables that map to the integer values returned by getStatus() .

    import "~/system/utils/usertran.ssc"

    ut = java.GetUserTransaction(...);
    status = ut.getStatus();
    if (status != UserTran.STATUS_ACTIVE)
    {        /* the transaction was not started */    }


Use java.GetUserTransaction to get the UserTransaction object, instantiate the components that will participate in the transaction, begin the transaction, perform the operations required in the transaction, and commit the transaction.

    ut = java.GetUserTransaction("iiop://my-host:9000")
    acctHome = java.GetHomeInterface("Bank/Account", "iiop://my-host:9000")
    acct1 = acctHome.create("John", "Doe", "111-11-1111")
    acct2 = acctHome.create("Jane", "Doe", "222-22-2222")
    acct3 = = java.CreateComponent("Bank/Account", "iiop://my-host:9000")
    errMsg = site.GetErrorInfo();
    if ((errMsg != null) && (errMsg != ""))
        /* handle error, the transaction did not begin return
    errMsg = site.GetErrorInfo();
    if ((errMsg != null) && (errMsg != ""))
        /* handle error, the transaction did not commit return

See also

The PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

The PowerDynamo CreateObject method


You can use the PowerDynamo CreateObject method to create an instance of an ActiveX object. Once an ActiveX object has been created, its methods can be called in the same manner as a normal DynaScript object. An ActiveX object exists until it goes out of scope or until the ActiveX variable is assigned a new value.











Host, UserName, and Password are all optional properties, depending on the scenario in which you are creating your instance of an ActiveX object.

For more information on working with ActiveX and EAServer, see the EAServer Programmer's Guide.


This example creates an instance of an ActiveX object called comp . Once the object is created, its method getMajors is called and the Record Set is displayed:

    comp = CreateObject( "SVU.SVUEnrollment" );    
    RecordSet = comp.getMajors();
    while( !RecordSet.EOF ) {
        document.writeln( "*****" );
        fields = RecordSet.Fields;
        columns = fields.Count;
        for( j = 0; j < columns; j++ ) {
            field = fields.Item(j);
            document.writeln( field.Value );

This example creates an instance of an ActiveX object called comp that resides on a machine called testMachine. Once the Object is created, its method getMajors is called and the Record Set is displayed:

    comp = CreateObject( "SVU.SVUEnrollment" );    
    comp.Host = "testMachine:9000";
    RecordSet = comp.getMajors();
    while( !RecordSet.EOF ) {
        document.writeln( "*****" );
        fields = RecordSet.Fields;
        columns = fields.Count;
        for( j = 0; j < columns; j++ ) {
            field = fields.Item( j );
            document.writeln( field.Value );

For more information about the CreateObject method, see "Built-in functions" in the PowerDynamo Reference Manual.

For information on ADO record sets see "Working with ADO record sets as PowerDynamo query objects".


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