Appendix A Setting Up the Adaptive Server Anywhere Database Server as a Service

Setting up the Adaptive Server Anywhere database server for PowerDynamo

The following section explains the required steps for setting up an Adaptive Server Anywhere database server to run as an NT service. They are:

  1. Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere server as a service.
  2. Set up the ODBC System DSN.
  3. Set up the Connection Profile.
  4. Connect to PowerDynamo.

Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere server as a service

Configure the Adaptive Server Anywhere server as an NT service by opening the Services folder in the Sybase Central, then clicking Add Service in the right pane.

Follow the instructions in the wizard to define the new service.

The path you specify in the wizard should point to dbsrv50.exe for 5.5.04 or earlier versions of SQL Anywhere. For versions 6.0 or later, the path should point to dbsrv6.exe.

You must also specify the server name and the database to which PowerDynamo will be connecting.

For more information on services, see the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere User's Guide.

Set up the ODBC System DSN

You must next create an ODBC System DSN, which stores information about how to connect to a data provider. By defining a System DSN rather than a User DSN, the information is accessible to any user on the local machine.

Steps To create an ODBC System Data Source Name:

  1. Start the ODBC Administrator.
  2. Select the System DSN tab. The System Data Source window will open. Click Add.
  3. In the Create New Data Source window, select the appropriate ODBC driver and click OK.
  4. In the SQL Anywhere ODBC configuration window, enter the data source name, the server name, and the database name. Click OK.

Start-up options for SQL Anywhere 5.5.04 or earlier

If you are using SQL Anywhere 5.5.04 or earlier, you should set some start-up commands in the ODBC configuration window, as shown in Figure 12-1.

If you are using Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 or later, you do not need to set these start-up commands.

Click Options from the SQL Anywhere ODBC configuration window.

Figure 12-1 illustrates how your start-up options should be set if you are using SQL Anywhere 5.5.04 or lower.

Figure 12-1: Startup Options window

If you are connecting to a remote database server, specify this start command:


If you are connecting to a database server on the same machine as the Web server, and DBCLIENT has been specified, the Agent should be Not Specified. This does not start the DBCLIENT application, but allows access to the database server.

Selecting Client as the Agent would cause the DBCLIENT application to start unnecessarily, causing the local connection to be made through the network which would cause a decline in performance. Select Client as the Agent only if the database server is running on a different machine than the Web server.

Set up the Connection Profile

To connect to the appropriate database, create a PowerDynamo connection profile that calls the appropriate ODBC data source name.

  1. In Sybase Central, select Tools | Connection Profiles.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a connection name and select PowerDynamo as the profile type from the drop-down list. Click OK.
  4. Select the appropriate ODBC data source from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter your user ID and password. Click OK.

Connect to PowerDynamo

Once you have completed your connection profile, you can connect to PowerDynamo.

  1. In Sybase Central, select Tools | Connection Profiles.
  2. Select the connection profile you want to connect with and click Connect.


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